Synopsis: The player comes from a family of successful trainers - two of your cousins, Martin and Mariana, have high positions in the Vereshad region. Martin being one of the region's gym leaders and Mariana being the champion, your parents would often compare you to them. Finally deciding it's time to become a trainer and prove yourself, you meet with the new temporary Professor, Professor Sakura, to get your starter Pokémon and begin your journey. While there you meet with your childhood friend Damien and someone entirely new to this region, Eva!
I provide assistance on making and managing the games maps. We use a map making program called "Tiled" to create our maps, they then get ported over to RPGMaker XP where we use a development kit known as "Pokemon SDK" or "PSDK" allowing us to have the capabilities of a Pokémon game within RPGMaker.
Synopsis: None to be provided as of [2/12/23].
Pokemon Crimson is my own personal project being created solely by me for the time being. It aims to replicate the look--but not full feel--of older Pokémon games from the Gameboy and Gameboy Color eras. Progress for this can be found on my social media at irregular intervals.
Synopsis: This is a small python rouge-like game made to run in pythons console, contains custom graphics drawn by me.
This was built as an assignment for my Highschools CS 162 class. This project was built off a tutorial website walking me through step by step on how to make everything work. The project is no longer being updated as I have moved to focus onto development enviroments around C, C++, and Ruby.